■168-h exposure of engine oil
■168-h exposure of salt water (salt content
10 %)
■168-h exposure of sulfuric acid (10 %, pH 2)
■1-h exposure of NaOH (10 %, pH 13)
■EEPROM, memory 112 byte
■TID memory: 12 byte
■For direct mounting on metal
Functional principle
The UHF read/write heads form an air
interface the size of which may vary,
depending on the combination of read/write
head and tag.
The read/write distances mentioned here
only represent standard values measured
under laboratory conditions and free from any
influences caused by materials.
Attainable distances may vary due to
component tolerances, mounting conditions,
ambient conditions and material qualities,
especially when mounted in metal.
Testing of the application under real operating
conditions is therefore essential, especially
with read/write on-the-fly!