The Agilent B1500A Semiconductor Device Analyzer with EasyEXPERT software is a complete parametric test solution. It supports all aspects of parametric test, from basic manual measurement to test automation across a wafer in conjunction with a semiautomatic wafer prober. Because the B1500A utilizes the Microsoft? Windows? XP Professional operating system, it integrates easily into your PC-based work environment. Best of all, the familiar Windows graphical user interface (GUI) and convenient online help menus minimize the need for instrument training.
Basic Features
? PC-based instrument with touch screen interface; optional USB keyboard and mouse available
? EasyEXPERT software with over 200 categorized application tests supplied with the instrument
? Performs current versus voltage (IV) measurements
? Performs capacitance versus voltage (CV), capacitance versus time (Ct) and capacitance versus frequency (Cf) measurements
? Performs quasi-static CV (QSCV) measurements
? High voltage pulse forcing up to 40 V with ALWG and voltage monitor capabilities.
? Performs fast IV measurement synchronized with the applied waveforms for accurate transient IV or time-domain measurements
? Front-panel Classic Test measurement modes supported: single-channel sweep, multi-channel sweep, time sampling, list sweep, CV sweep and direct control (GPIB FLEX)
? GUI-based control of the Agilent B2200A, and B2201A switching matrices
? Modular mainframe with ten module slots and one 4.2 A ground unit
? Multiple source/monitor unit (SMU) types available: medium power (MPSMU), high-power (HPSMU), and high-resolution (HRSMU)
? Multi-frequency capacitance measurement unit (MFCMU) available
? High-voltage semiconductor pulse generator unit (HV-SPGU) available
? Waveform generator/fast measurement unit (WGFMU) available
? High-resolution, analog-to-digital converter (ADC) available to all installed SMUs
? High-speed ADC present on each installed SMU
? SMU/AUX path switching supported on the atto-sense and switch unit (ASU)
? SMU/MFCMU switching supported using SMU CMU unify unit (SCUU) and guard switch unit (GSWU)
? MFCMU automatically identifies capacitance measurement accessories
? WGFMU/SMU path switching supported on the remote-sense and switch unit (RSU)
? GPIB port for instrument control
? Self-test, self-calibration, diagnostics