首頁 >1930007259-01>規(guī)格書列表
零件編號 | 下載 訂購 | 功能描述/絲印 | 制造商 上傳企業(yè) | LOGO |
1930007259-01 | GPU Expansion Module for Video AI Edge Computing with MIC-7 Series Features ?OfferingpowerfulGPUsolutionwithNVIDIA350W,2.75-slotwidth,334.6mm lengthGPUcardsfornewAIapplication ?Dual24VDCpowerinputswithreliablepowerandOCPsolutionforupto 700Wmaximumpeakpowercurrency ?IntelligentpowerstatusindicatingLEDforsystemandGPUc | ADVANTECHAdvantech Co., Ltd. 研華科技研華科技(中國)有限公司 | ADVANTECH | |
1930007259-01 | Dual GPU Expansion Module for Video AI Edge Computing with MIC-7 Series Features ?OfferingpowerfulGPUsolutionwithdualNVIDIA250W,2.75-slot width/331mmlengthGPUcardsfornewAIapplication ?Triple24VDCpowerinputs,provideindependentpowerforGPUcardsand MIC-7system ?IntelligentpowerstatusindicatingLEDforsystemandGPUcard independently | ADVANTECHAdvantech Co., Ltd. 研華科技研華科技(中國)有限公司 | ADVANTECH | |
1930007259-01 | MXM GPU Expansion Module for New AI Application with MIC-7 Series Features ?SupportNVIDIAMXMGPUwithwholesystemfanlessdesign ?Supportupto80WNVIDIAQuadroMXM3.1TypeA/BformfactorGPU ?1xHDMIand3xDisplayPort1.4adisplayoutput ?OperatingTemp.-10~50C ?Support1GrmsOp.vibration ?Dualfrontremovable2.5storagebayforeasyswa | ADVANTECHAdvantech Co., Ltd. 研華科技研華科技(中國)有限公司 | ADVANTECH | |
1930007259-01 | THIN barebone with 8th/9th Gen. Intel? Desktop Core i Processor Features ?THINCompactdesignwith44.2mminheight ?Thinbarebonewithmulti-IOportsissuitableforvarietyofapplication environmentswithDC-indesign ?Easy/quickinstallationforadditionalperipherals ?SupportWall/VESA/DinRailKit ?LocktypeDCpowerjack | ADVANTECHAdvantech Co., Ltd. 研華科技研華科技(中國)有限公司 | ADVANTECH | |
1930007259-01 | AI Platform Based on NVIDIA? Jetson Orin? NX Features ?Compactfanlessdesign ?EmbeddedNVIDIA?JetsonOrin?NXupto100TOPS ?Supports2xGbE,6xUSB3.2Gen2 ?Supports1xmPCIe,1xM.23052,1xM.22280 ?SupportsAllxon24/7remotemonitoringandOTAdeployment | ADVANTECHAdvantech Co., Ltd. 研華科技研華科技(中國)有限公司 | ADVANTECH |
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2020+ |
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155 |
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6800 |
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35960 |
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2500 |
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9968 |
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