零件編號 | 下載 訂購 | 功能描述/絲印 | 制造商 上傳企業(yè) | LOGO |
3406FB | 200 V - 1,000 V Three Phase Bridge 200V-1,000VThreePhaseBridge 18.0A-20.0AForwardCurrent 70ns-3000nsRecoveryTime | ETC1List of Unclassifed Manufacturers etc未分類制造商未分類制造商 | ETC1 | |
3406FB | 200 V - 1,000 V Three Phase Bridge 18.0 A - 20.0 A Forward Current 70 ns - 3000 ns Recovery Time 200V-1,000VThreePhaseBridge 18.0A-20.0AForwardCurrent 70ns-3000nsRecoveryTime | VMI Voltage Multipliers Inc. | VMI | |
200V-1,000VThreePhaseBridge 200V-1,000VThreePhaseBridge 18.0A-20.0AForwardCurrent 70ns-3000nsRecoveryTime | VMI Voltage Multipliers Inc. | VMI | ||
200V-1,000VThreePhaseBridge18.0A-20.0AForwardCurrent70ns-3000nsRecoveryTime 200V-1,000VThreePhaseBridge 18.0A-20.0AForwardCurrent 70ns-3000nsRecoveryTime | VMI Voltage Multipliers Inc. | VMI | ||
200V-1,000VThreePhaseBridge 200V-1,000VThreePhaseBridge 18.0A-20.0AForwardCurrent 70ns-3000nsRecoveryTime | ETC1List of Unclassifed Manufacturers etc未分類制造商未分類制造商 | ETC1 | ||
MOSFET30VN-CHANNELENHANCEMENTMODE DESCRIPTION AM3406istheN-ChannelenhancementmodepowerfieldeffecttransistorsareusingtrenchDMOStechnology.Thisadvancedtrenchtechnologydevicesarewellsuitedforhighefficiencyfastswitchingapplications,lowin-linepowerlossareneededinsmalloutlinesurfacemountpackage. | AITSEMIAiT Semiconductor Inc. 創(chuàng)瑞科技AiT創(chuàng)瑞科技 | AITSEMI | ||
MOSFET30VN-CHANNELENHANCEMENT-MODE DESCRIPTION TheAM3406AisavailableinSOT-23Spackage. FEATURES ?VDS=30V RDS(ON),VGS=4.5V,IDS@5A=52mΩ RDS(ON),VGS=10V,IDS@6A=38mΩ ?AvailableinSOT-23SPackage APPLICATION ?Highdensitycelldesignforultralowon-resistance ?Advancedtrenchprocesstechnology ?High | AITSEMIAiT Semiconductor Inc. 創(chuàng)瑞科技AiT創(chuàng)瑞科技 | AITSEMI | ||
N-Channel30V(D-S)MOSFET | AnalogPower Analog Power | AnalogPower | ||
SuperhighdensitycelldesignforextremelylowRDS(ON) DESCRIPTION AMS3406istheN-Channellogicenhancementmodepowerfieldeffecttransistorwhichisproducedusinghighcelldensity,DMOStrenchtechnology.Thishighdensityprocessisespeciallytailoredtominimizeon-stateresistance.Thesedevicesareparticularlysuitedforlowvoltageappl | AMS Advanced Monolithic Systems | AMS | ||
N-ChannelEnhancementModeFieldEffectTransistor GeneralDescription TheAO3406usesadvancedtrenchtechnologytoprovideexcellentRDS(ON)andlowgatecharge.ThisdeviceissuitableforuseasaloadswitchorinPWMapplications.StandardProductAO3406isPb-free(meetsROHS&Sony259specifications).AO3406LisaGreenProductord | AOSMDAlpha & Omega Semiconductors 萬國半導體美國萬國半導體 | AOSMD |
- 型號:
- 功能描述:
200 V - 1,000 V Three Phase Bridge
供應商 | 型號 | 品牌 | 批號 | 封裝 | 庫存 | 備注 | 價格 |
Edwards Signaling & Security S |
2022+ |
4 |
全新原裝 貨期兩周 |
詢價 | |||
新 |
100 |
全新原裝 貨期兩周 |
詢價 | |||
1822+ |
QFN24 |
9852 |
只做原裝正品假一賠十為客戶做到零風險!! |
詢價 | |||
原廠正品 |
23+ |
10268 |
原裝正品,假一罰十 |
詢價 | ||
NS |
23+ |
6000 |
原裝正品假一罰百!可開增票! |
詢價 | ||
NS/國半 |
23+ |
5000 |
原廠授權(quán)代理,海外優(yōu)勢訂貨渠道。可提供大量庫存,詳 |
詢價 | ||
NS/國半 |
22+ |
25000 |
只做原裝,原裝,假一罰十 |
詢價 | ||
23+ |
9823 |
詢價 | |||
24+ |
35200 |
一級代理/放心采購 |
詢價 | ||
原廠 |
16+ |
原廠封裝 |
10000 |
全新原裝正品,代理優(yōu)勢渠道供應,歡迎來電咨詢 |
詢價 |
更多- 340-6G5
- 3406UFA
- 3407
- 3407-0-00-00-00-00-03-0
- 3407-0-00-15-00-00-03-0
- 3407-0-00-34-00-00-03-0
- 340-703A
- 34071
- 340-713A
- 340-714C
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- 34072
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- 340731500031
- 340-732D
- 340740900001
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- 340793-000
- 3408
- 3408 BK001
- 3408 SL005
- 34080
- 340800002
- 34080-0003
- 34080-0204
- 34080-1001
- 34080-1002
- 340-80493-60
- 34081-2003
- 34081-2005
- 3408-1202UG
- 3408-1203UG
- 3408-12K2UG
- 34081-3004
- 3408-1302
- 3408-1303
- 3408-13K2
- 34081-4002
- 3408-1402
- 3408-14K2
更多- 340-6N5
- 3406UFB
- 34070
- 3407-0-00-01-00-00-03-0
- 3407-0-00-21-00-00-03-0
- 3407-0-00-80-00-00-03-0
- 34-0707
- 340-710
- 340-714B
- 340715600001
- 340-715B
- 340-716A
- 340-716C
- 340-720
- 340-722
- 340-723
- 34073
- 340-732B
- 340-740
- 340740900002
- 340-744A
- 34075
- 3407NA-BA-6
- 34-08
- 3408 SL001
- 3408 W001
- 34080-0001
- 34080-0002
- 34080-0106
- 34080-0206
- 340801002
- 34080-1003
- 34-08052
- 34081-2004
- 3408-1202
- 3408-1203
- 3408-12K2
- 34081-3003
- 34081-3005
- 3408-1302UG
- 3408-1303UG
- 34081-4001
- 34081-4003
- 3408-1403
- 34081-5001