零件編號 | 下載&訂購 | 功能描述 | 制造商&上傳企業(yè) | LOGO |
605 | 3M??Scotch? Transparent Film Tape | 3M 3M Electronics | 3M | |
605 | 包裝:盒 類別:測試與計量 設備 - 專用 描述:DIGITAL VACUUM GAUGE | TPI Test Products International | TPI | |
605 | 包裝:袋 類別:光電器件 燈 - 白熾燈,氖燈 描述:LAMP INCAN RG-4.5 MINI SCR 6.15V | JKL Components Corp. JKL Components Corp. | JKL Components Corp. | |
605 | 包裝:盒 類別:測試與計量 設備 - 專用 描述:DIGITAL VACUUM GAUGE | TPI Test Products International | TPI | |
US Power Supply Cord with IEC Connector C13, V-Lock, straight Description -PowerCord,ProtectionclassI,Pintemperature70°C, -withV-Lockinterlockingsystem | SCHURTERSchurter Inc. 碩特碩特集團 | SCHURTER | ||
EU Power Cord with IEC Appliance Connector C19, V-Lock, straight Description -PowerCord,ProtectionclassI,Pintemperature70°C, -withV-Lockinterlockingsystem | SCHURTERSchurter Inc. 碩特碩特集團 | SCHURTER | ||
IEC Interconnection Cord with IEC Appliance Connector C19, V-Lock, straight Description -InterconnectionCord,ProtectionclassI,Pintemperature70°C, -withV-Lockinterlockingsystem | SCHURTERSchurter Inc. 碩特碩特集團 | SCHURTER | ||
UK Power Cord with IEC Appliance Connector C19, V-Lock, straight Description -PowerCord,ProtectionclassI,Pintemperature70°C, -withV-Lockinterlockingsystem -withfuse13A | SCHURTERSchurter Inc. 碩特碩特集團 | SCHURTER | ||
AUXILIARY ACTUATORS EasytoassembleauxiliaryactuatorsfortheMMSeriesprovidestheend-userwiththecapabilitytooperatetheswitchwithforce notdirectlyinlinewiththeoperatingbutton.Actuatorsareavailableineithertheplain-leaforroller-leafstyle.Eachactuatorkit consistsofthestainlessste | ITT ITT Industries | ITT | ||
Teck90 600V, 33G C #121414 Str BC, XLPE Ins, PVC Jkt, AIA Armor,Blk PVC Jkt, CSA HL SUN RES -40C ProductDescription Teck90600V,3+3+GConductor12+14+14AWG(7x20H+7x22H)BareCopper,XLPEInsulation,PVCInnerJacket,AluminumInterlockArmor,BlackPVC OuterJacket,CSAHLSUNRES-40C | BELDENBelden Inc. 百通電纜設計科技有限公司 | BELDEN | ||
Teck90 600V, 33G C #121414 Str BC, XLPE Ins, PVC Jkt, AIA Armor,Blk PVC Jkt, CSA HL SUN RES -40C ProductDescription Teck90600V,3+3+GConductor12+14+14AWG(7x20H+7x22H)BareCopper,XLPEInsulation,PVCInnerJacket,AluminumInterlockArmor,BlackPVC OuterJacket,CSAHLSUNRES-40C | BELDENBelden Inc. 百通電纜設計科技有限公司 | BELDEN | ||
Teck90 1000V, 3G C #68 Str BC, XLPE Ins M4, PVC Jkt, SIA Armor, Blk PVC Jkt, CSA HL SUN RES -40C ProductDescription Teck901000V,3+GConductor6+8AWG(7x14H)BareCopper,XLPEInsulationM4ColorCode,PVCInnerJacket,SteelInterlockArmor,BlackPVCOuter Jacket,CSAHLSUNRES-40C | BELDENBelden Inc. 百通電纜設計科技有限公司 | BELDEN | ||
Customer Specification Construction Diameters(In) 1)Component111X1PAIR a)Conductor22(7/30)AWGTinnedCopper0.030 b)Insulation0.016Wall,Nom.PVC0.062 (1)ColorCodeAlphaWireColorCodeA PairColorPairColorPairColor 1BLACK-RED5BLACK-BROWN9RED-WHITE 2BLACK-WHITE6BLACK-YELLOW10RED-B | ALPHAWIREAlpha Wire 阿爾法電線 | ALPHAWIRE | ||
Customer Specification Construction Diameters(In) 1)Component111X1PAIR a)Conductor22(7/30)AWGTinnedCopper0.030 b)Insulation0.016Wall,Nom.PVC0.062 (1)ColorCodeAlphaWireColorCodeA PairColorPairColorPairColor 1BLACK-RED5BLACK-BROWN9RED-WHITE 2BLACK-WHITE6BLACK-YELLOW10RED-B | ALPHAWIREAlpha Wire 阿爾法電線 | ALPHAWIRE | ||
Customer Specifications Construction Diameters(In) 1)Component115X1PAIR a)Conductor22(7/30)AWGTinnedCopper0.030 b)Insulation0.016Wall,Nom.PVC0.062 (1)ColorCodeAlphaWireColorCodeA PairColorPairColorPairColor 1BLACK-RED6BLACK-YELLOW11RED-YELLOW 2BLACK-WHITE7 BLACKORANGE 12R | ALPHAWIREAlpha Wire 阿爾法電線 | ALPHAWIRE | ||
Customer Specification Construction Diameters(In) 1)Component111X1PAIR a)Conductor22(7/30)AWGTinnedCopper0.030 b)Insulation0.016Wall,Nom.PVC0.062 (1)ColorCodeAlphaWireColorCodeA PairColorPairColorPairColor 1BLACK-RED5BLACK-BROWN9RED-WHITE 2BLACK-WHITE6BLACK-YELLOW10RED-B | ALPHAWIREAlpha Wire 阿爾法電線 | ALPHAWIRE | ||
Customer Specification Construction Diameters(In) 1)Component111X1PAIR a)Conductor22(7/30)AWGTinnedCopper0.030 b)Insulation0.016Wall,Nom.PVC0.062 (1)ColorCodeAlphaWireColorCodeA PairColorPairColorPairColor 1BLACK-RED5BLACK-BROWN9RED-WHITE 2BLACK-WHITE6BLACK-YELLOW10RED-B | ALPHAWIREAlpha Wire 阿爾法電線 | ALPHAWIRE | ||
Customer Specification Construction Diameters(In) 1)Component111X1PAIR a)Conductor22(7/30)AWGTinnedCopper0.030 b)Insulation0.016Wall,Nom.PVC0.062 (1)ColorCodeAlphaWireColorCodeA PairColorPairColorPairColor 1BLACK-RED5BLACK-BROWN9RED-WHITE 2BLACK-WHITE6BLACK-YELLOW10RED-B | ALPHAWIREAlpha Wire 阿爾法電線 | ALPHAWIRE | ||
Customer Specifications Construction Diameters(In) 1)Component115X1PAIR a)Conductor22(7/30)AWGTinnedCopper0.030 b)Insulation0.016Wall,Nom.PVC0.062 (1)ColorCodeAlphaWireColorCodeA PairColorPairColorPairColor 1BLACK-RED6BLACK-YELLOW11RED-YELLOW 2BLACK-WHITE7 BLACKORANGE 12R | ALPHAWIREAlpha Wire 阿爾法電線 | ALPHAWIRE | ||
TREK 605A PRODUCTHIGHLIGHTS ?Lineandloadregulationbetterthan0.002% ?Automaticcurrentlimitfeaturetoprotecttheinstrumentfromoutputshortcircuits oroverloads ?Remotehighvoltageon/offfeatureidealforusewithautomatedorcomputercontrolled systems | ADVANCEDENERGYAdvanced Energy Industries, Inc. 先進能源工業(yè)先進能源工業(yè)公司 | ADVANCEDENERGY |
- 產品編號:
- 制造商:
TPI (Test Products Int)
- 類別:
測試與計量 > 設備 - 專用
- 系列:
- 包裝:
- 工具類型:
- 描述:
供應商 | 型號 | 品牌 | 批號 | 封裝 | 庫存 | 備注 | 價格 |
AmericanBeauty |
新 |
5 |
全新原裝 貨期兩周 |
詢價 | |||
American Beauty |
2022+ |
1 |
全新原裝 貨期兩周 |
詢價 | |||
09+ |
PLCC28 |
5500 |
原裝無鉛,優(yōu)勢熱賣 |
詢價 | ||
33 |
原裝正品現(xiàn)貨庫存價優(yōu) |
詢價 | |||||
23+ |
模塊 |
350 |
全新原裝正品,量大可訂貨!可開17%增值票!價格優(yōu)勢! |
詢價 | |||
QFN8 |
5600 |
全新原裝100真實現(xiàn)貨供應 |
詢價 | |||
23+ |
PLCC28 |
12379 |
詢價 | |||
Parallax |
24+ |
原廠原裝 |
6000 |
進口原裝正品假一賠十,貨期7-10天 |
詢價 | ||
22+ |
QFN8 |
5000 |
⊙⊙新加坡大量現(xiàn)貨庫存,深圳常備現(xiàn)貨!歡迎查詢!⊙ |
詢價 | ||
24+ |
103 |
詢價 |
更多- 6050
- 605-00005
- 605-00008
- 605-00011
- 60505
- 6051
- 6051.2003
- 6051.2008
- 6051.2030
- 6051.2037
- 6051.2043
- 6051.2050
- 6051.2052
- 6051.2067
- 6051.2121
- 6051.2131
- 60-5-10
- 6051111110F
- 6051211110F
- 6051311110F
- 60517-1
- 605-2111-110F
- 605-2211-110F
- 605262-2
- 60529-1
- 6053
- 6054
- 60546-1
- 6055
- 60553-1
- 605-6
- 605686-1
- 60573-1
- 60577-1
- 6058
- 6059674-1
- 605980-2
- 60598-1
- 60598-3
- 60599-1
- 605A00000
- 605A-7108-16
- 605F
- 605HR010E
- 605HR030
更多- 60500
- 605-00007
- 605-00009
- 60501-1
- 60507-50
- 6051.2001
- 6051.2007
- 6051.2015
- 6051.2032
- 6051.2041
- 6051.2047
- 6051.2051
- 6051.2061
- 6051.2083
- 6051.2129
- 60510
- 60511-1
- 605-1111-110F
- 605-1211-110F
- 605-1311-110F
- 6052111110F
- 6052211110F
- 605262-1
- 60527-501
- 60529-2
- 6053226-1
- 60540-1
- 6054CSL005
- 60-5-5
- 6056
- 60563-01HM-9VB
- 6057
- 60573-2
- 60577-1(CUTSTRIP)
- 6059
- 605980-1
- 605980-3
- 60598-2
- 60598-4
- 60599-3
- 605A-2116-17
- 605A-7116-17
- 605-GP-02SLB
- 605HR020E
- 605HR030E