? Medium to heavy weight cylindrical
? Durable, field-proven design
? Single key/keyway polarization
? Threaded coupling, hard dielectric inserts
? Non-rotating contacts
? Operating temperatures from –55°C to +125°C
? Cost effective
? Intermateable and intermountable with existing
97 Series and SAE AS50151 connectors
? Underwriters Laboratories approved recognition File E115497
? Canadian Standards Association Certification
File LR69183
? CE Certification Registration No.: AT1312862E
? Six shell styles
? 128 contact arrangements, from 1 to 52 circuits
? Alternate insert positioning
? High temperature and potting constructions
? Special plating finishes including gray
zinc nickel
? Optional gold plating
? Thermocouple arrangements available
Connector components are fabricated from high grade
aluminum alloy, with a conductive cadmium plate finish
and an olive drab chromate after-treatment.
See how to order page 18.
Contacts are silver plated with pre-tinned solder cups.
Optional gold over silver plating is also available. Inserts
for solder style contacts are diallyl-phthalate.
Users should be aware that classes “A” and “B” of SAE
AS50151 have been canceled.