? VDD=VDDQ=1.2V +/- 0.06V
? Fully differential clock inputs (CK, CK) operation
? Differential Data Strobe (DQS, DQS)
? On chip DLL align DQ, DQS and DQS transition with CK
? DM masks write data-in at the both rising and falling
edges of the data strobe
? All addresses and control inputs except data, data
strobes and data masks latched on the rising edges of
the clock
? Programmable CAS latency 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16,
17, 18, 19 and 20
? Programmable additive latency 0, CL-1, and CL-2
supported (x4/x8 only)
? Programmable CAS Write latency (CWL) = 9, 10, 11,
12, 14, 16, 18
? Programmable burst length 4/8 with both nibble
sequential and interleave mode
? BL switch on the fly
? 16banks
? Average Refresh Cycle (Tcase of 0 oC~ 95 oC)
- 7.8 μs at 0oC ~ 85 oC
- 3.9 μs at 85oC ~ 95 oC
? Operating Temperture Range
- Commercial Temperature (0 oC~ 95 oC)
- Industrial Temperature (-40oC~ 95 oC)
? JEDEC standard 78ball FBGA(x4/x8), 96ball FBGA(x16)
? Driver strength selected by MRS
? Dynamic On Die Termination supported
? Two Termination States such as RTT_PARK and
RTT_NOM switchable by ODT pin
? Asynchronous RESET pin supported
? ZQ calibration supported
? TDQS (Termination Data Strobe) supported (x8 only)
? Write Levelization supported
? 8 bit pre-fetch
? This product in compliance with the RoHS directive.
? Internal Vref DQ level generation is available
? Write CRC is supported at all speed grades
? Maximum Power Saving Mode is supported
? TCAR(Temperature Controlled Auto Refresh) mode is
? LP ASR(Low Power Auto Self Refresh) mode is supported
? Fine Granularity Refresh is supported
? Per DRAM Addressability is supported
? Geardown Mode(1/2 rate, 1/4 rate) is supported
? Programable Preamble for read and write is supported
? Self Refresh Abort is supported
? CA parity (Command/Address Parity) mode is supported
? Bank Grouping is applied, and CAS to CAS latency
(tCCD_L, tCCD_S) for the banks in the same or different
bank group accesses are available
? DBI(Data Bus Inversion) is supported(x8/x16)