600Volt, 0.60?, (SEE) RAD HARD HEXFET
International Rectifier’s (SEE) RAD HARD technology HEXFETs demonstrate virtual immunity to SEE failure. Additionally, under identical pre- and post-radiation test conditions, International Rectifier’s RAD HARD HEXFETs retain identical electrical specifications up to 1 x 105 Rads (Si) total dose. No compensation in gate drive circuitry is required. These devices are also capable of surviving transient ionization pulses as high as 1 x 1012 Rads (Si)/Sec, and return to normal operation within a few microseconds. Since the SEE process utilizes International Rectifier’s patented HEXFET technology, the user can expect the highest quality and reliability in the industry.
■ Radiation Hardened up to 1 x 105 Rads (Si)
■ Single Event Burnout (SEB) Hardened
■ Single Event Gate Rupture (SEGR) Hardened
■ Gamma Dot (Flash X-Ray) Hardened
■ Neutron Tolerant
■ Identical Pre- and Post-Electrical Test Conditions
■ Repetitive Avalanche Rating
■ Dynamic dv/dt Rating
■ Simple Drive Requirements
■ Ease of Paralleling
■ Hermetically Sealed
■ Electrically Isolated
■ Ceramic Eyelets