零件編號 | 下載 訂購 | 功能描述/絲印 | 制造商 上傳企業(yè) | LOGO |
PiezoAudioIndicator | KINGSTATEKingstate Electronics Corp. 志豐電子志豐電子股份有限公司 | KINGSTATE | ||
Photointerrupter(Transmissive) DESCRIPTION combineshigh-outputGaAsIREDwithhighsensitivephototransistor,TheKSG-262photointerrupterishigh-performancestandardtype,Compactsize. FEATURES ?Screw-mounttype ?GAP:2.0mm ?Compact ?Widelyapplicable APPLICATIONS ?Floppydiskdrives ?CD-ROMdrives ?Prin | KODENSHIKODENSHI_AUK CORP. 可天士可天士光電子集團 | KODENSHI | ||
LEDARRAY | LIGITEK Ligitek electronic | LIGITEK | ||
LEDARRAY | LIGITEK Ligitek electronic | LIGITEK | ||
GaAs-IR-Lumineszenzdioden-ZeilenGaAsInfraredEmitterArrays Features ●GaAsinfraredemittingdiode,fabricatedina liquidphaseepitaxyprocess ●Highreliability ●SamepackageasBPX80series Applications ●Miniaturephotointerrupters ●Punchedtape-readers ●Industrialelectronics ●Forcontrolanddrivecircuits | SIEMENSSiemens Semiconductor Group 西門子德國西門子股份公司 | SIEMENS | ||
GaAsInfraredEmitterArrays Features ?GaAsinfraredemittingdiode ?Leadframearrays,availablefrom2to10 Emittersperarray ?Colour:transparent ?Highreliability ?Availableinbins ?SamepackageasBPX80series ?Miniaturepackage Applications ?Miniaturephotointerrupters ?Barcodereaders ?Indus | OSRAMOSRAM GmbH 艾邁斯歐司朗歐司朗光電半導體 | OSRAM | ||
GaAsinfraredemittingdiode | OSRAMOSRAM GmbH 艾邁斯歐司朗歐司朗光電半導體 | OSRAM | ||
GaAsHallICforNoncontactSwitch(Alternatingmagneticfield-type*) ■Features ●OperationbysmallmagnetduetohighsensitivityOperatingpoint | SHARPSharp Microelectronics of the Americas (SMA) 夏普微美國夏普微電子公司(SMA) | SHARP | ||
Arm?Cortex?-M32-bitMicrocontroller | NuvotonNuvoton Technology Corporation 新唐科技新唐科技股份有限公司 | Nuvoton | ||
MicroprocessorProgrammableUniversalActiveFilters GeneralDescription TheMAX260/MAX261/MAX262CMOSdualsecondorderuniversalswitched-capacitoractivefiltersallowmicroprocessorcontrolofprecisefilterfunctions.Noexternalcomponentsarerequiredforavarietyofbandpass,lowpass,highpass,notch,andallpassconfigurations.Eachdevi | MaximMaxim Integrated Products 美信美信半導體 | Maxim |
- 型號:
- 制造商:
Bourns Inc
供應(yīng)商 | 型號 | 品牌 | 批號 | 封裝 | 庫存 | 備注 | 價格 |
金航標 |
2年內(nèi) |
NA |
150000 |
英博爾原裝優(yōu)質(zhì)現(xiàn)貨訂貨渠道商 |
詢價 | ||
24+ |
con |
2500 |
優(yōu)勢庫存,原裝正品 |
詢價 | ||
24+ |
con |
10000 |
查現(xiàn)貨到京北通宇商城 |
詢價 |
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