Frequency Parameters
Frequency 38.880MHz
Frequency Tolerance ±1.00ppm
Frequency Stability ±0.28ppm
Operating Temperature Range -40.00 to 105.00°C
Ageing ±0.01ppm max per day, ±1ppm
max per year
Frequency Tolerance: Measurement referenced to frequency
observed with TA=25°C, Vs=3.3V and within 30 days after
Frequency Stability: TA varied across the operating
temperature range, measurement referenced to frequency
observed with TA=25°C, Vs=3.3V, load=15pF and temperature
variable speed less than 2°C per minute.
Ageing: TA=25°C, Vs=3.3V and after 1hr of operation.
Supply Voltage Variation (measurement referenced to
frequency observed with TA=25°C, Vs varied from 3.13V to
3.47V and load=15pF): ±0.1ppm max
Load Variation (measurement referenced to frequency
observed with TA=25°C, Vs=3.3V and load change=15pF
±5): ±0.1ppm max