




NuMicro? Family Arm? 32-bit Cortex?-M23 Microcontroller


8.97778 Mbytes



生產(chǎn)廠商 Nuvoton Technology Corporation







2024-10-26 22:59:00



Arm? Cortex?-M23 without TrustZone?

? Arm? Cortex?-M23 processor, running up to 48 MHz when VDD = 1.75V ~ 5.5V

? Built-in PMSAv8 Memory Protection Unit (MPU)

? Built-in Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller (NVIC)

? 32-bit Single-cycle hardware multiplier and 32-bit 17-cycle hardware divider

? 24-bit system tick timer

? Supports Programmble and maskable interrupt

? Supports Low Power Sleep mode by WFI and WFE instructions

? Supports single cycle I/O access

? Supports XOM feature with 1 region

Low power mode and current

? Low Power mode:

– Idle mode

? Power-down mode (PD)

– Fast Wake-up Power-down mode (FWPD)

– Deep Power-down mode (DPD)

Wake-up source and wakeup time

? EINT, Touch key, USCI, RTC, WDT, I2C, Timer, UART, BOD, LVR, POR, GPIO, USBD, ACMP, Debug interface, NMI and Reset pin from Power-down mode or Fast Wake-up Power-down mode

? RTC, Wake-up Timer, LVR, Wake-up pins, from Deep Power-down mode

Power supply and low voltage detect

? Built-in LDO for wide operating voltage from 1.75V to 5.5V

? Core power voltage: 1.5V

? Brown-out detector

– With 7 levels: 4.4V/3.7V/3.0V/2.7V/2.4V/2.0V/1.8V

– Supports Brown-out Interrupt and Reset option

? Low Voltage Reset

– Threshold voltage levels: 1.55V

Cyclic Redundancy Calculation Unit

? Supports four common polynomials CRC-CCITT, CRC-8, CRC-16, and CRC-32

? Programmable order reverse setting for input data and CRC checksum

? Programmable 1’s complement setting for input data and CRC


? Supports 8-/16-/32-bit of data width

? Programmable seed value

? 8-bit write mode: 1-AHB clock cycle operation

? 16-bit write mode: 2-AHB clock cycle operation

? 32-bit write mode: 4-AHB clock cycle operation

? Supports using PDMA to write data to perform CRC operation


? 96-bit Unique ID (UID)

? 128-bit Unique Customer ID (UCID)

? AES-128, 192, 256



? Up to 256 KB application ROM (APROM)

? 4 KB Flash for user program loader (LDROM)

? Up to 48 MHz with zero wait state for consecutive address read access

? 12 bytes User Configuration Block to control system initiation.

? 512B page erase for all embedded Flash

? 32-bit and multi-word Flash programming function.

? Supports In-System-Programming (ISP), In-Application-Programming (IAP) update embedded Flash memory

? Supports CRC-32 checksum calculation function

? Supports Flash all one verification function (hardware can check page erase verify)

? Hardware external read protection of whole Flash memory by Security Lock Bit

? Supports XOM feature with 1 region


? Up to 32 KB embedded SRAM

? Supports byte-, half-word- and word-access

? Supports PDMA mode

Peripheral DMA (PDMA)

? Up to 8 independent configurable channels for automatic data transfer between memories and peripherals

? Channel 0, 1 support time-out function

? Basic and Scatter-Gather Transfer modes

? Each channel supports circular buffer management using Scatter-Gather Transfer mode

? Two types of priorities modes: Fixed-priority and Round-robin modes

? Transfer data width of 8, 16, and 32 bits

? Single and burst transfer type

? Source and destination address can be increment or fixed

? PDMA transfer count up to 65536

? Request source can be form software, SPI/I2S, I2C, UART, USCI, EADC, DACand TIMER


Clock Source

? Built-in 4.032 MHz internal high speed RC oscillator (MIRC) for system operation

? Built-in 48 MHz internal high speed RC oscillator (HIRC) for system operation

? Built-in 38.4 kHz internal low speed RC oscillator (LIRC) for Watchdog Timer and wake-up operation.

? Built-in 4~32 MHz external high speed crystal oscillator (HXT) for precise timing operation

? Built-in 32.768 kHz external low speed crystal oscillator (LXT) for RTC function and low-power system operation

? Supports clock on-the-fly switch

? Supports clock failure detection for high/low speed external crystal oscillator

? HXT clock frequency accuracy detector

? Supports exception (NMI) generated once a clock failure detected

? Supports divided clock output


32-bit Timer

TIMER mode

? 4 sets of 32-bit timers with 24-bit up counters and 8-bit prescale counters

? Independent clock source for each timer

? One-shot, Periodic, Toggle and Continuous Counting operation modes

? Event counting function to count the event from external pin

? Input capture function to capture or reset counter value

? External capture pin event for interval measurement.

? External capture pin event to reset 24-bit up counter.

? Chip wake-up from Idle/Power-down mode if a timer interrupt signal is generated

? Timer interrupt flag or external capture interrupt flag to trigger BPWM, EADC, DAC and PDMA.

? Internal capture triggered source from ACMP output.

? Inter-Timer trigger capture mode

PWM mode

? 16-bit compare register and period register

? Double buffer for period register and compare register

? Supports inverse in PWM output

? PWM interrupt wake-up from system Power-down mode


? Each module provides 6 output channels

? Supports independent mode for BPWM output/Capture input channel

? Supports 12-bit prescaler from 1 to 4096

? Supports 16-bit resolution BPWM counter, each module provides 1 BPWM counter

– Up, down or up/down counter operation type

? Supports mask function and tri-state enable for each BPWM pin

? Supports interrupt on the following events:

– BPWM counter match 0, period value or compared value

? Supports trigger ADC on the following events:

– BPWM counter match 0, period value or compared value

? Capture Function Features

– Up to 12 capture input channels with 16-bit resolution

– Supports rising or falling capture condition

– Supports input rising/falling capture interrupt

– Supports rising/falling capture with counter reload option


? 20-bit free running up counter for WDT time-out interval

? Clock sources from LIRC (default), HCLK/2048 or LXT

? 9 selectable time-out period from 488us ~ 32 sec

? Able to wake up from Power-down or Idle mode

? Interrupt or reset selectable on watchdog time-out

? Selectable WDT reset delay period, including 1026, 130, 18 or 3 WDT_CLK reset delay period

? Force WDT enabled after chip power on or reset.

? WDT time-out wake-up function only if WDT clock source is selected as LIRC or LXT

Window Watchdog

? Clock sources from HCLK/2048 (default) or LIRC

? Window set by 6-bit down counter with 11-bit prescaler

? WWDT counter suspends in Idle/Power-down mode

? Supports Interrupt


? Supports external power pin VBAT

? Software compensation by setting frequency compensate register (FCR),compensated clock accuracy reaches ±5ppm within 5 seconds

? RTC counter (second, minute, hour) and calendar counter (day, month, year)

? Alarm registers (second, minute, hour, day, month, year)

? Selectable 12-hour or 24-hour mode

? Automatic leap year recognition

? Day of the Week counter

? Daylight Saving Time software control

? Periodic time tick interrupt with 8 period options 1/128, 1/64, 1/32, 1/16, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2 or 1 second

? 1 Hz clock output for RTC calibration

? Wake-up from idle mode and Power-down mode

? 32 kHz oscillator gain control

? RTC Time Tick and Alarm Match interrupt

Analog Interfaces


? Conversion results held in up to 7 data registers with valid and overrun indicators.

? Analog input voltage: 0~VREF (Max to AVDD).

? Reference voltage from VREF pin, AVDD or internal VREF

? 12-bit resolution and 10-bit accuracy guaranteed

? Up to 16 single-end analog external input channels

? Supports 3 internal channels:

– Band-gap VBG output or Internal voltage reference

– Temperature sensor input

– VBAT voltage measure (VBAT/4)

? Four ADC interrupts (ADINT0~3) with individual interrupt vector addresses.

? ADC clock frequency up to 16 MHz.

? Up to 730 KSPS conversion rate.

? Configurable ADC internal sampling time

? Up to 7 sample modules

– Each of sample module 0~3 is configurable for ADC converter


– EADC_CH0~15 and trigger source.

– Configurable PDMA

– Configured resolution for 12-bit or 16-bit result

– Supports Left-adjusted result

– Averaging and oversampling (2n times, n=0~8) to support up to 16-bit result

– Sample module 16~18 is fixed for ADC channel 16, 17, 18 input sources as band-gap voltage, temperature sensor, and battery power (VBAT/4).

– Configurable sampling time for each sample module.

– Conversion results held in 19 data registers with valid and overrun indicators.

? Supports digital comparator to monitor conversion result that can be under or over the compare register setting

? Generate an interrupt when conversion result matches the compare register setting.

? Internal reference voltage source:

– 1.536V, 2.048V, 2.560V, 3.072V, or 4.096V

? An A/D conversion can be started by:

– Write 1 to SWTRGn (EADC_SWTRG[n], n = 0~18)

– External pin EADC0_ST

– Timer0~3 overflow pulse triggers

– ADINT0/1 interrupt EOC (End of conversion) pulse triggers

– BPWM triggers

? Supports PDMA transfer

? Auto turn on/off ADC power at power down or operation mode with wait state


? Up to two 12-bit 1 MSPS voltage type DAC

? Analog output voltage: 0~VREF (AVDD)

? Supports 8-bit and 12-bit mode

? Rail to rail settle time 6us

? Reference voltage selects from internal reference voltage, AVDD or VREF pin

? Max. output voltage AVDD -0.2V at buffer mode

? Conversion started by software enable, Timer interrupt flag(TIF) or PDMA trigger

? Voltage output buffer mode and bypass voltage output buffer mode

? Supports PDMA mode

Analog Comparator (ACMP)

? Up to two rail-to-rail analog comparators

? 4 multiplexed I/O pins at positive node

? Negative node:

– One I/O pin

– Band-gap (VBG)

– DAC0 output

– Comparator Reference Voltage (CRV)

? Programmable propagation speed and low power consumption

? Interrupts generated when compare results change (Interrupt event condition programmable)

? Supports Power-down Wake-up

? Supports triggers for break events and cycle-by-cycle control for PWM

? Supports window compare mode and window latch mode

? Supports programmable hysteresis window:

– 0 mV, 10 mV, 20 mV or 30 mV

Internal Reference Voltage

? Internal reference voltage select: 1.536V, 2.048V, 2.560V, 3.072V, 4.096V for EADC, DAC and CRV (comparator reference voltage) reference voltage

Capactitive Touch

? Supports up to 24 touch keys.

? Supports flexible reference channel setting, at least 1 reference channel needed.

? Programmable sensitivity levels for each channel

? Programmable scanning speed for different applications.

? Supports any touch key wake-up for low-power applications.

? Supports single key-scan and programmable periodic key-scan.

? Programmable interrupt options for key-scan complete with or without threshold control.

? Supports independent reference capacitor bank (RefCB) registers for each channels

? Supports Timer0~3 time-out interrupt signal(TIF) to trigger touch key scan

Com/Seg LCD

? Supports the following COM/SEG configurations:

– Up to 352 dots (8-COM x 44-SEG)

– Up to 276 dots (6-COM x 46-SEG)

– Up to 192 dots (4-COM x 48-SEG)

? Supports maximum 8 COM driving pins, multiplexed with GPIO pins

? Supports maximum 48 SEG driving pins, multiplexed with GPIO pins

? Supports 3 bias voltage levels 1/2, 1/3, and 1/4

? Supports 8 duty ratios 1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, 1/6, 1/7, and 1/8

? Supports clock frequency divider from 0 to 1023 to configure the LCD operating frequency

? Configurable frame counting event interrupt period

? Supports LCD blinking display controlled by frame counting event

? Supports LCD frame end interrupt

? LCD keeps display or blinking even if in Power-down mode when LCD clock source is selected as LIRC or LXT

? Supports both type A and type B driving waveforms

? Programmable Charge Pump output voltage VLCD from 3.0V ~ 5.2V

? Selectable VLCD source from Charge Pump output or external pin

? Programmable buffer enable selection to enhance COM and SEG driving capability

? With internal resistive series network to generate reference voltage for COM and SEG voltage

? With big resistor series network to save power and small resistor series network to drive COM and SEG directly by software selection.

? LCD panel loading detect feature

Communication Interfaces


? Supports up to 4 UARTs: UART0, UART1, UART2 and UART3

? UART baud rate clock from LXT(32.768 kHz) with 9600bps in Power-down mode

? Baud rate up to 10 Mbps

? Full-duplex asynchronous communications

? Supports one-wire half-duplex communications

? Separates receive and transmit 16/16 bytes FIFO

? Programmable receiver buffer trigger level

? Hardware auto-flow control (CTS and RTS)

? IrDA (SIR) function

– Supports 3/16 bit duration for normal mode

? RS-485 9-bit mode and direction control

? UART0 supports LIN function

– LIN master/slave mode

– Programmable break generation function for transmitter

– Break detection function for receiver

? Programmable baud-rate generator up to 1/16 system clock

? 8-bit receiver FIFO time-out detection function

? Programmable transmitting data delay time between the last stop and the next start bit

? Auto-Baud Rate measurement and baud rate compensation function

? Break error, frame error, parity error and receive/transmit FIFO overflow detection function

? Supports RS-485 mode:

– RS-485 9-bit mode

– Hardware or software enables to program nRTS pin to control RS-485 transmission direction

– nCTS, incoming data, Received Data FIFO reached threshold and RS-485 Address Match (AAD mode) wake-up function in Power-down mode.

– Hardware or software enables to program nRTS pin to control RS-485 transmission direction

? Fully programmable serial-interface:

– Programmable number of data bit, 5-, 6-, 7-, 8- bit character

– Programmable parity bit, even, odd, no parity or stick parity bit generation and detection

– Programmable stop bit, 1, 1.5, or 2 stop bit generation

? Supports PDMA mode

Smart Card Interface

Smart card mode

? ISO 7816-3 T = 0, T = 1 compliant

? EMV2000 compliant

? One ISO 7816-3 port

? Separates receive/transmit 4 byte entry FIFO for data payloads

? Programmable transmission clock frequency

? Programmable receiver buffer trigger level

? Programmable guard time selection (11 ETU ~ 267 ETU)

? One 24-bit timer and two 8-bit timers for Answer to Request (ATR) and waiting times processing

? Supports auto direct / inverse convention function

? Supports transmitter and receiver error retry and error number limiting function

? Supports hardware activation sequence process, and the time

between PWR on and CLK start is configurable

? Supports hardware warm reset sequence process

? Supports hardware deactivation sequence process

? Supports hardware auto deactivation sequence when the card removal is detected

UART mode

? Full duplex, asynchronous communications

? Separates receiving / transmitting 4 bytes entry FIFO for data payloads

? Supports programmable baud rate generator

? Supports programmable receiver buffer trigger level

? Programmable transmitting data delay time between the last stop bit leaving the TX-FIFO and the de-assertion

? Programmable even, odd or no parity bit generation and detection

? Programmable stop bit, 1- or 2- stop bit generation


? Supports Master or Slave mode operation

? Master and slave mode up to 25 MHz (when chip works at VDD = 3.0 ~ 5.5V)

? Supports 2-bit Transfer mode

? Supports Dual and Quad I/O Transfer mode

? Configurable bit length of a transaction word from 8 to 32-bit

? Provides separate 8-level depth transmit and receive FIFO buffers

? Supports MSB first or LSB first transfer sequence

? Supports Byte Reorder function

? Supports Byte or Word Suspend mode

? Supports PDMA transfer

? Supports 3-Wire, no slave selection signal, bi-direction interface

? Supports one data channel half-duplex transfer

? Supports receive-only mode


? Up to 2 sets of I2C devices

? Master/Slave mode

? Bidirectional data transfer between masters and slaves

? Multi-master bus (no central master)

? 7-bit and 10-bit addressing mode

? Standard mode (100 kbps), Fast mode (400 kbps) and Fast mode plus (1 Mbps)

? Arbitration between simultaneously transmitting masters without

corruption of serial data on the bus

? Serial clock synchronization allows devices with different bit rates to communicate via one serial bus

? Serial clock synchronization can be used as a handshake mechanism to suspend and resume serial transfer

? Supports 14-bit time-out counter requesting the I2C interrupt if the I2C bus hangs up and timer-out counter overflows

? Programmable clocks allow versatile rate control

? Multiple address recognition (four slave address with mask option)

? Supports setup/hold time programmable

? Supports SMBus and PMBus

? Multi-address Power-down wake-up function

? Supports PDMA transfer


SPI Mode

? Up to 2 sets of SPI controllers

? Master or Slave mode operation

? Configurable bit length of a transfer word from 8 to 32-bit

? Provides separate 4-level of 32-bit (or 8-level of 16-bit) transmit and receive FIFO buffers which depended on SPI setting of data width

? MSB first or LSB first transfer sequence

? Supports byte reorder function

? Byte or Word Suspend mode

? Master and slave mode up to 25 MHz (VDD = 3.0V ~5.5V)

? Supports one data channel half-duplex transfer

? Supports receive-only mode

? Supports PDMA transfer

I2S Mode

? Up to 2 sets of I2S by SPI controllers

? Interface with external audio CODEC

? Supports Master and Slave mode

? Capable of handling 8-, 16-, 24- and 32-bit word sizes

? Mono and stereo audio data

? PCM mode A, PCM mode B, I2S and MSB justified data format

? Each provides two 4-level FIFO data buffers, one for transmitting and the other for receiving

? Generates interrupt requests when buffer levels cross a programmable boundary

? Each supports two PDMA requests, one for transmitting and the other for receiving

Universal Serial Control Interface (USCI)

? Up to 2 sets of USCI

? Supports UART, SPI and I2C function

? Single byte TX and RX buffer mode


? One transmit buffer and two receive buffer for data payload

? Hardware auto flow control function and programmable flow control trigger level

? Programmable baud-rate generator

? Supports 9-bit data transfer

? Baud rate detection by built-in capture event of baud rate generator

? Supports Wake-up function (Data and nCTS Wakeup Only)

? Supports PDMA transfer


? Master or Slave mode operation

? Configurable bit length of a transfer word from 4 to 16-bit

? One transmit buffer and two receive buffer for data payload

? MSB first or LSB first transfer sequence

? Word suspend function

? Supports PDMA transfer

? Supports 3-wire, no slave select signal, bi-direction interface

? Wake-up function: input slave select transition

? Supports one data channel half-duplex transfer


? Full master and slave device capability

? 7-bit/10-bit addressing mode

? Communication in Standard mode (100 kbps), Fast mode (up to 400 kbps) and Fast mode plus (1 Mbps)

? Multi-master bus

? One transmit buffer and two receive buffer for data payload

? 10-bit bus time out capability

? Supports Bus monitor mode

? Wake-up by data toggle or address match in Power-down mode

? Multiple address recognition

? Setup/hold time programmable


? Four I/O modes:

– Quasi bi-direction

– Push-Pull output

– Open-Drain output

– Input only with high impendence

? TTL/Schmitt trigger input selectable

? I/O pin configured as interrupt source with edge/level trigger setting

? Independent pull-up/pull-down control

? High driver and high sink current I/O (up to 16 mA at 5V, 25°C)

? Minimum I/O Speed

– 25 MHz when VDD = 2.7 ~ 5.5 V (-40°C ~ +105°C, CL=30p, high skew rate enabled)

– 10 MHz when VDD = 1.75 ~ 5.5 V (-40°C ~ +105°C, CL=30p, high skew rate enabled)

? Software selectable slew rate control

? Supports wake-up function

? Supports I/O de-bounce with LIRC at power down

? I/O configurations of multi-function pin are controlled by module or MFOS register settings

? Supports 5V tolerance except PF2, PF3, PF4 and PF5 pins

Advanced Connectivity

USB 2.0 Full Speed

? Compliant with USB 2.0 Full-Speed specification

? Provides 1 interrupt vector with 5 different interrupt events (SOF, NEVWK, VBUSDET, USB and BUS)

? Suspend function when no bus activity exists for 3 ms

? Supports 12 endpoints for configurable Control/Bulk/Interrupt/Isochronous transfer types and maximum 1024 bytes buffer size

? Provides remote wake-up capability

? Start of Frame (SOF) locked clock pulse generation

? Supports USB 2.0 Link Power Management (LPM)

? Supports Crystal-less function

? Supports Battery charging 1.2 (BC1.2)

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