The MC68HC11EA9 and MC68HC711EA9 microcontroller units (MCUs) are high-performance members of the M68HC11 family of MCUs. The MC68HC(7)11EA9 MCUs have a multiplexed external address and data bus and are characterized by high speed and low power consumption. Their fully static design allows operation at frequencies from 3 MHz to dc. The addition of a phase-locked loop (PLL) frequency synthesizer to the timer circuitry further enhances low-power operation and allows the use of lower frequency crystals while maintaining a clock speed of up to 3 MHz.
? M68HC11 CPU
? 512 Bytes RAM (Data Retained During Standby, by use of VSTBY)
? 12 Kbytes Mask-Programmed ROM or EPROM
? 512 Bytes Electrically Erasable Programmable ROM (EEPROM)
? PROG Mode Allows Use of Standard EPROM Programmer (27C256 Footprint)
? Multiplexed Address and Data Buses Reduce Pin Count
? Enhanced 16-Bit Timer with Four-Stage Programmable Prescaler
— Three Input Capture (IC) Channels
— Four Output Compare (OC) Channels
— One Additional Channel, Selectable as Fourth IC or Fifth OC
? 8-Bit Pulse Accumulator
? Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) Frequency Synthesizer for Reduced Power Consumption
? Power Saving STOP and WAIT Modes
? Real-Time Interrupt Circuit
? Computer Operating Properly (COP) Watchdog Timer
? Clock Monitor Circuit
? Enhanced Asynchronous Nonreturn to Zero (NRZ) Serial Communications Interface (SCI)
? Eight-Channel 8-Bit Analog-to-Digital (A/D) Converter
? Five Input/Output (I/O) Ports (34 Pins)
— Four Bidirectional I/O Ports (26 Pins)
— One Fixed Input-Only Port (8 Pins)
? Two Alternate, Fixed Input-Only Pins (XIRQ pin/XPIN bit and IRQ pin/IPIN bit)
? Available in 52-Pin Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier (PLCC), 52-Pin Windowed Ceramic Leaded Chip
Carrier (CLCC), and 56-Pin SDIP (0.070” Lead Spacing)