首頁 >MCF/B1815F>規(guī)格書列表
零件編號 | 下載 訂購 | 功能描述/絲印 | 制造商 上傳企業(yè) | LOGO |
MCF/B1815F | Chassis Mounting Transformers | etc2List of Unclassifed Manufacturers etc未分類制造商etc2未分類制造商 | etc2 | |
ChassisMountingTransformers | etc2List of Unclassifed Manufacturers etc未分類制造商etc2未分類制造商 | etc2 | ||
MicrowaveBipolarPowerAmplifier | MotorolaMotorola, Inc 摩托羅拉加爾文制造公司 | Motorola | ||
MicroprocessorResetCircuit GeneralDescription TheMIC1815isaninexpensivemicroprocessorsupervisorycircuitthatmonitorspowersuppliesinmicroprocessorbasedsystems. Thefunctionofthesedevicesistoassertaresetifthepowersupplydropsbelowadesignatedresetthresholdlevel.Severaldifferentresetthresh | MicrelMicrel Semiconductor 麥瑞半導體 | Micrel | ||
MicroprocessorResetCircuit | MicrelMicrel Semiconductor 麥瑞半導體 | Micrel | ||
MicroprocessorResetCircuit GeneralDescription TheMIC1815isaninexpensivemicroprocessorsupervisorycircuitthatmonitorspowersuppliesinmicroprocessorbasedsystems. Thefunctionofthesedevicesistoassertaresetifthepowersupplydropsbelowadesignatedresetthresholdlevel.Severaldifferentresetthresh | MicrelMicrel Semiconductor 麥瑞半導體 | Micrel | ||
HIGHFREQUENCYNPNAMPLIFIERTRANSISTOR | UTCUnisonic Technologies 友順友順科技股份有限公司 | UTC | ||
NPNEPITAXIALSILICONTRANSISTOR Features ?LeadFreeFinish/RoHSCompliant(PSuffixdesignates RoHSCompliant.Seeorderinginformation) ?Collector-Emittervoltage:BVCEO=50V ?Collectorcurrentupto150mA ?HighhFElinearity ?ComplimentarytoMMBT1015 ?EpoxymeetsUL94V-0flammabilityrating ?MoisureSensiti | MCCMicro Commercial Components 美微科美微科半導體股份有限公司 | MCC | ||
NPNEPITAXIALSILICONTRANSISTOR | MCCMicro Commercial Components 美微科美微科半導體股份有限公司 | MCC | ||
HIGHFREQUENCYNPNAMPLIFIERTRANSISTOR FEATURES *Collector-EmitterVoltage: BVCEO=50V *Collectorcurrentupto150mA *HighhFElinearity *ComplementtoMMBT1015 | UTCUnisonic Technologies 友順友順科技股份有限公司 | UTC |
- 型號:
- 制造商:
SPC Multicomp
- 功能描述:
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