The SP809/SP810 are low power microprocessor (μP) supervisory circuits used to monitor power supplies in μP and digital systems. They provide applications with benefits of circuit reliability and low cost by eliminating external components. If the VCC supply voltage falls below preset threshold then a reset signal is asserted for at least 140ms after VCC has risen above the reset threshold. Both the SP809 and SP810 were designed with a reset comparator to help identify invalid signals, which last less than 140ms. The only difference between them is that they have an active-low RESET output and active-high RESET output, respectively. Low supply current (1μA) makes SP809/SP810 ideal for portable equipment. The devices are available in 3 pin SOT-23 package.
■ Ultra Low Supply Current 1μA (typ.)
■ Guaranteed Reset valid to VCC = 0.9V
■ 140 ms Min. Power-On Reset Pulse Width
■ Internally Fixed Threshold 2.3V, 2.6V, 2.9V, 3.1V, 4.0V, 4.4V, 4.6V
■ Tight Voltage Threshold Tolerance: 1.5
■ Offered in a 3 Pin SOT-23 Package
■ Portable Electronic Devices
■ Electrical Power Meter
■ Digital Still Camera
■ μP Power Monitoring
- 型號(hào):
- 制造商:
Exar Corporation
供應(yīng)商 | 型號(hào) | 品牌 | 批號(hào) | 封裝 | 庫存 | 備注 | 價(jià)格 |
22+ |
SOT23-3 |
885 |
⊙⊙新加坡大量現(xiàn)貨庫存,深圳常備現(xiàn)貨!歡迎查詢!⊙ |
詢價(jià) | ||
EXAR/艾科嘉 |
23+ |
SOT23 |
50000 |
全新原裝正品現(xiàn)貨,支持訂貨 |
詢價(jià) | ||
Sipex |
21+ |
25000 |
原廠原包 深圳現(xiàn)貨 主打品牌 假一賠百 可開票! |
詢價(jià) | |||
EXAR/艾科嘉 |
2021+ |
SOT-23-3 |
100500 |
一級(jí)代理專營品牌!原裝正品,優(yōu)勢現(xiàn)貨,長期排單到貨 |
詢價(jià) | ||
EXAR/艾科嘉 |
22+ |
SOT23 |
154168 |
原裝正品現(xiàn)貨,可開13個(gè)點(diǎn)稅 |
詢價(jià) | ||
SOT23-3 |
87 |
全新原裝100真實(shí)現(xiàn)貨供應(yīng) |
詢價(jià) | |||
原廠 |
2021+ |
60000 |
原裝現(xiàn)貨,歡迎詢價(jià) |
詢價(jià) | |||
22 |
SOT-23 |
28000 |
3月31原裝,微信報(bào)價(jià) |
詢價(jià) | ||
24+ |
N/A |
72000 |
一級(jí)代理-主營優(yōu)勢-實(shí)惠價(jià)格-不悔選擇 |
詢價(jià) | |||
23+ |
SOT23-3 |
11200 |
原廠授權(quán)一級(jí)代理、全球訂貨優(yōu)勢渠道、可提供一站式BO |
詢價(jià) |