Model SWO-42-F1 is a fixed waveguide open with a UG-595/U flange covering the frequency range from 18 to 26.5 GHz. The product consists of a waveguide short (model number SWS-K3-F1) and a ? λg waveguide shim (model number SWI-42168-SB). The waveguide shim is 0.168 thick offering perfect open at the center frequency of 22.5 GHz when combined with the waveguide short. The product is manufactured with a precision machining process to ensure high quality and ruggedness. The open offers good reflection in the entire frequency range.
? Frequency Range: 18 to 26.5 GHz
? Good Reflectivity
? Instrumentation Grade
? Test Labs
? Test Instrumentation
? System Calibration